For updates and future reunions, please fill out this entirely optional
questionnaire and send it back to Reidar Bornholdt
( Leave the answers blank if you don't want
them to appear on the website. If you fill them in, they will appear
on your page within the Oxford website. If you are unsure of years
and dates, give us your best guesstimate. If you did not attend Oxford,
we will hold your replies for future reference (and future reunions).
We are looking for volunteers for a Garfield website.
Childhood name, if different:
Exact birthdate:
Approximate year you moved to Berkeley:
Year and grade you began Oxford:
Grades attended at Oxford:
Other grade schools attended (including grades):
Jr. high school attended and years:
High school attended and years:
Later education:
Street address of your home while at oxford, with nearest cross-street:
If your parents are still living, where do they live now:
Your present residence (with dates):
Year you left Berkeley:
Last time you visited Berkeley:
Last time you saw the Oxford campus:
Last time you saw a former Oxford classmate:
Other cities in which you've lived (with approx. years):
Current occupation (last occupation, if retired):
Marital status/spouse's name:
Children (names with years of birth):
email address:
Personal web site, if any:
Please add anything about yourself that you'd like your former classmates
to know. And please feel write to write at length on your memories of Oxford.
For some examples, see Anecdotes,
Tales, and Vignettes