Childhood name, if different: Jimmy Walczak
Exact birthdate: 8/19/43
Birthplace: Oakland
Approximate year you moved to Berkeley: 1943
Year and grade you began Oxford: 1949 1st grade
Grades attended at Oxford: 1st - 5th grade
Other grade schools attended (including grades): Thousand Oaks, 6th
grade 1955
Jr. high school attended and years: Garfield, 1956-1958 Garfield
High school attended and years: BHS, 1959-1961
Later education: None
Street address of your home while at Oxford, with nearest cross-street:
1927 Napa Ave.
If your parents are still living, where do they live now:
Your present residence (with dates): P.O. Box 623, Mi Wuk Village, CA 95346
Year you left Berkeley: 1962
Last time you visited Berkeley: 2001
Last time you saw the Oxford campus: 1955
Last time you saw a former Oxford classmate: 2000
Other cities in which you've lived (with approx. years):
1962-1964 Adlanto, CA; 1964-1968 San Bernardino;
1969-1970 Westminster, CA; 1971 Livermore, CA
1971-1999 Dublin and Pleasanton, CA
Current occupation (last occupation, if retired):
Retired now. Was a construction superintendent
Marital status/spouse's name:
Married, Jeanette
Children (names with years of birth):
email address: