Current name: Jan. Humphreys
Childhood name, if different: Janet Scott
Exact birthdate: June 29, 1945
Birthplace: Alta Bates Hospital, Berkeley
Approximate year you moved to Berkeley: 1953 (permanently)
Prior to that lived with grandparents and attended Oxford, off and
Year and grade you began Oxford: 1950 or 1951
Grades attended at Oxford: K - 6
Other grade schools attended (including grades): Marin Elementary, Albany,
Some kindergarten, some 1st grade.
Jr. high school attended and years: Garfield 1957 - January 1960
High school attended and years: Berkeley High - January 1960 - January 1963
Later education: Contra Costa College
Street address of your home while at oxford, with nearest cross-street: 1313 Oxford Street, between Rose and Eunice Streets
If your parents are still living, where do they live now:
Your present residence (with dates): Spokane, Washington March 1987
Year you left Berkeley: 1973
Last time you visited Berkeley: May and October 2001
Other cities in which you've lived (with approx. years): Chicago (1972-1973) San Jose, Ca. 1973 - 1987
Current occupation (last occupation, if retired): Administrative Sales Assistant (retired)
Marital status/spouse's name: Married/Johnny
Children (names with years of birth): Step-daughter/Deb/1958
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