Kent's Response to the Questionnaire

Name: Kent Rasmussen

Birthdate: Oct. 11, 1943

Birthplace: Albany, California

Approximate year you moved to Berkeley: 1947

Year and grade you began Oxford: 1948, first grade

Grades attended at Oxford: 1-6

Other grade schools attended (including grades): Franklin (Berkeley), kindergarten

Jr. high school attended and years: Garfield, 1955-58

High school attended and years: Berkeley, 1958-61

Later education: University of California, Berkeley, B.A. in economics,1966; UCLA, M.A. in history, 1969; Ph.D. 1975

Street address of your home while at Oxford, with nearest cross-street: 915 Arlington near Indian Rock Path

If your parents are still living, where do they live now: same address

Your present residence (with dates): Thousand Oaks, Calif., since 1988

Year you left Berkeley: Jan. 1, 1967 (I vividly recall listening to the famous "ice bowl" football game between Green Bay and Dallas while towing a trailer full of furniture down Hwy 101. I had a killer toothache and was popping aspirins every hour. Welcome to L.A.!)

Last time you visited Berkeley: October, 2001

Last time you saw the Oxford campus: 2001

Last time you saw a former Oxford classmate: 1991, BHS reunion (Gordon Jacoby, Johnny Dodds, Jim Walczak)

Other cities in which you've lived (with approx. years): Sherman Oaks, Calif., 1967-71; London, England, 1971-72; Cape Town, South Africa, 1972; Van Nuys, Calif., 1972-88

Current occupation (last occupation, if retired): Book editor and writer

Marital status/spouse's name: 2nd marriage/Kathy Rasmussen

Children (names with years of birth): sons: Christopher Rasmussen* (1971), Erik Rasmussen (1978); stepdaughters: Erin Moreno* (1969), Noelle Heenan (1972), Heather Heenan (1975) [* = married]

Grandchildren: Bailey Moreno (1996); Jackson Moreno (2000)

email address:

Personal web site, if any: