Childhood name, if different:
Exact birthdate: Jan. 20, 1943
Birthplace: San Francisco
Approximate year you moved to Berkeley: 1943
Year and grade you began Oxford: Kindergarden Jan. (for sure) 1948?
Grades attended at Oxford: Kindergarden - 6th
Other grade schools attended (including grades):
Jr. high school attended and years: Garfield
High school attended and years: Berkeley High Jan '59-Jan '61
Later education: BA Reed College 1965 (Literature)
MFA Carnegie Institute of Technology 1969(Directing)
PhD Carnegie Mellon University 1973 (Theater)
Street address of your home while at oxford, with nearest cross-street: 912 Indian Rock Ave at Oxford St
If your parents are still living, where do they live now: deceased
Your present residence (with dates):
463 West St #1013A
New York, NY 10014
160 Erica Way
Portola Valley CA 94028
Year you left Berkeley:
Last time you visited Berkeley: Dec 24th 2001
Last time you saw the Oxford campus: drive by it occassionally
Last time you saw a former Oxford classmate: ?
Other cities in which you've lived (with approx. years):
New York last 25 years
Current occupation (last occupation, if retired): opera and theater stage director and teacher of acting for singers
Marital status/spouse's name: widower
Children (names with years of birth): Cialin Mills-Ostwald 1971
email address:
Personal web site, if any:
Please add anything . . .
Like all of those who entered with me in the January semester, we little
band of 13 (or so) had a slightly less stable experience than most. We
had a change of teachers each semester (with the exception of Mrs. Conklin
in Kindergarden, Mrs. Kusik in first grade and Mrs Rutherford in 6th).
Even the indominable Mrs. Witty retired after one semester of dealing with
us. Were we blessed or cursed?