Name: Ann-si Li, DVM, OMD
Childhood name, if different: (same)
Exact birthdate: July 16, 1944
Birthplace: Berkeley, California
Approximate year you moved to Berkeley: born in Berkeley
Year and grade you began Oxford: Kindergarten
Grades attended at Oxford: Kindergarten - 6th
Other grade schools attended (including grades): (none)
Jr. high school attended and years: Garfield Junior Hi (whatever years would be appropriate)
High school attended and years: Berkeley High School (again the consecutive years)
Later education: University of California at Berkeley (one semester), University of California at Davis (6 years)
Street address of your home while at oxford, with nearest cross-street: 1200 Oxford Street (corner of Eunice Street and Oxford Street, southwest corner)
If your parents are still living, where do they live now: (both have passed away)
Your present residence (with dates): 2693 Shasta Road Berkeley, California 94708-1021 (1974 - present)
Year you left Berkeley: still here! (left for several years (college, Italy, China)
Last time you visited Berkeley: still here!
Last time you saw the Oxford campus: when I graduated many years ago
Last time you saw a former Oxford classmate: 2 weeks ago (Mara French)
Other cities in which you've lived (with approx. years): Davis, CA (1962-68), Perugia, Italy (1968-69), Beijing, China (1994 - present)
Current occupation (last occupation, if retired): veterinarian
Marital status/spouse's name: married to Shu Dai, DVM
Children (names with years of birth): Kean-san Choo (dob May 23, 1979)
email address:
Personal web site, if any:
Other comments: I belong to the Church of Scientology