Childhood name, if different: Johnny
Exact birthdate: 12/12/43
Birthplace: Berkeley
Approximate year you moved to Berkeley:
Year and grade you began Oxford: Kindergarten 1948 (?)
Grades attended at Oxford: K – 6
Other grade schools attended (including grades):
Jr. high school attended and years: Garfield-- 9/55 – 6/58
High school attended and years: Berkeley High School, 9/58 – 6/61.
Later education: BA 1968, Sacramento State
MBA 1978, Golden Gate University, San Francisco
Street address of your home while at oxford, with nearest cross-street: 1963 Napa Ave, one door off Hopkins
If your parents are still living, where do they live now:
Your present residence (with dates): 722 Tampico, Walnut Creek, CA 94598, June 1999 to date
Year you left Berkeley: 1966
Last time you visited Berkeley: 12/30/2001
Last time you saw the Oxford campus: 1980’s (?)
Last time you saw a former Oxford classmate: 12/30/2001
Other cities in which you've lived (with approx. years): Walnut
Creek (different address) 1993 – 1999
Concord 1992 – 1993
Clayton 1977 –1992
Walnut Creek ( yet another address)
1973 – 1977
Redondo Beach 1970 – 1972
San Diego 1969 – 1970
Sacramento 1966 – 1968
Current occupation (last occupation, if retired): Land Surveyor
Marital status/spouse's name: Divorced
Children (names with years of birth): Julie 1975, Katy 1977
email address:
John conveys New Year's greetings
and tells what he is doing these days