Jimmy's Responses to the Questionnaire

Name:  James M. Dean

Childhood name, if different: Jimmy, Jimbo, Deano

Exact birthdate: 26 September 1943

Birthplace: Alta Bates Hospital, Berkeley

Approximate year you moved to Berkeley: N/A

Year and grade you began Oxford: 1949 - Kindergarten

Grades attended at Oxford: K-6

Other grade schools attended (including grades): N/A

Jr. high school attended and years: Garfield 1956-58

High school attended and years: Berkeley High 1959-61

Later education: B.A. Univ. of California, Riverside (1966); UCLA (1967 - no degree); Johns Hopkins M.A. (1969), Ph.D. (1971)

Street address of your home while at oxford, with nearest cross-street: 1338 Spruce St., corner of Spruce and Rose

If your parents are still living, where do they live now: 2804 Cherry Street (Elmwood District), Berkeley

Your present residence (with dates): 33 Kells Avenue, Newark, DE 19711-5158 (302 - 738 - 5239)

Year you left Berkeley: 1961

Last time you visited Berkeley: Summer 2000

Last time you saw the Oxford campus: ?

Last time you saw a former Oxford classmate: Billy Gatewood, about 1981, in Berkeley

Other cities in which you've lived (with approx. years): Riverside, Calif. (1961-66); Venice, Calif. (1966-67); Baltimore, Md. (1967-70); Cambridge, Mass. (1970-72); Hamilton, New York (1972-78); Berkeley, Calif. (1978-80); San Francisco (1980-82); Palo Alto, Calif. (1982-83); Cambridge, Mass. (1983-86); Newark, Del. (1986-present)

Current occupation (last occupation, if retired): Professor of English Literature

Marital status/spouse's name: 2nd marriage: Jennifer F. Dean

Children (names with years of birth): Matthew F. Dean (16); William M. Dean (12)

email address: dean@udel.edu

Personal web site, if any: http://www.english.udel.edu/dean

See also my Tales of Oxford