Name, if different: Lois Brelsford
Birthdate: 12/19/34
Birthplace: Oakland, CA
Year moved to Berkeley: December, 1934
Year and grade began Oxford: 1940 Kindergarten
Grades attended at Oxford: K, 1, 2, low 3, 5, 6
Other grade schools attended: Coalinga Elementary School, 4th grade
Jr. High attended Garfield Jr. High 1946-1949
High School attended Berkeley High 1949-1952
Later education UCB 1952-1957
Street address of your home: 2031 Del Norte St.
Parents: Deceased
Present address: 533 Santa Fe Avenue, Albany, CA 1965- Present
Year left Berkeley: I have lived all but one year of my life in the Bay Area. That one year was when we lived in Coalinga.
Last time you visited Berkeley: I only live two blocks from the Berkeley City limits, so I visit there often.
Last time you saw Oxford campus: I drive by it frequently, but I haven't been on campus in years.
Last time you saw former Oxford classmates: I have lunch once a month with four classmates, so I see them frequently.
Other cities in which you've lived: Kentfield, CA 1957-1959, El Cerrito, CA 1959-1960, Richmond, CA 1960-1965, Albany, CA 1965-present.
Current Occupation: Retired. I taught elementary school for 30 years.
Marital status: Married to Ronald
Children: Adrienne 40 years
Ronald 38 years
Matthew 36 years
e-mail address:
Don't have a web site.