Mrs. Rutherford's Christmas Presentations
My favorite stories recall Mrs. Rutherford's interest in music. Remember
having her repeatedly instruct us to enunciate "wiSH" in "We w-i-s-h you
a Merry Christmas"? Remember her auditions for the Christmas music fest?
I've never forgotten being relegated to the corner of the auditorium with
Ray Wootten because we couldn't hold a tune. I think I recited a dorky
Christmas story and Ray a sappy poem at the Christmas show, so we both
looked like stars instead of losers. When the singing began, Ray sat in
the audience while I got in the way by turning the pages of the sheet music
for the pianist, Jimmy Dean's mother Peggy. A subtle lesson emerged
from that evening, namely, never inflict a tone-deaf sheet-music turner
on a pianist. (I would have been more useful holding a candelabra or something
inanimate and harmless.)