All this reminiscing had me thinking of the parks we frequented. Besides Indian Rock Park, I guess my fondest memories are of quiet John Hinkel Park. But Codornices and Live Oak rank high. Then I found myself thinking of Mortar Rock, Tunnel Rock, and another rock park on Contra Costa Ave, near where the Ricks lived. I already mentioned Cragmont Rock. Did you ever spend time there? With the top a flat parking lot to a playfield, a casual glance makes that rock look very deceptive. It has some of the sheerest, challenging faces for climbers of any rock in Berkeley. And almost due east is a red rock (not granite) that is extremely steep and quite dangerous to climb. Did you ever play or visit that rock? And my final thought is the Quarry--now filled in and a city park. Johnny Carver, who went to Cragmont introduced me to that Park. Neither of us new how to swim; I was not quite nine years old, and Johnny and I would spend hours there. We built rafts and worked our way out onto the water. Once his big white dog, Sugar, swam out to the raft and hopped on. We almost tipped over. I later learned that several children drowned in that quarry. But, God, that place was an adventure. If you do see this note before the reunion, ask your classmates about it. I would be most interested if any of them frequented the quarry. Sounds like it would be right up Ray's alley. | ![]() |