Elaine Moonitz's Page
Response to the Questionnaire:
Name: Elaine Platt
Childhood name, if different: Elaine Moonitz
Exact birthdate: May 16, 1944
Birthplace: Palo Alto, CA
Approximate year you moved to Berkeley: 1947
Year and grade you began Oxford: N/A
Grades attended at Oxford: N/A
Other grade schools attended (including grades): Thousand Oaks through
6th grade.
Jr. high school attended and years: Garfield 55' 56' 57' (I think)
High school attended and years: 1 semester (L-9) at Berkeley High
Later education: North Hollywood High School
Street address of your home while at oxford, with nearest cross-street:
831 The Alameda - Colusa (cross street)
If your parents are still living, where do they live now: Father living
in Albany.
Your present residence (with dates): Corona, CA since 1990
Year you left Berkeley: 1959
Last time you visited Berkeley: 1999
Last time you saw the Oxford campus: N/A
Last time you saw a former Oxford classmate: 1999
Other cities in which you've lived (with approx. years): North Hollywood;
Van Nuys; Anaheim; Lake Elsinore; Corona
Current occupation (last occupation, if retired): Compliance Analyst
Marital status/spouse's name: Widow
Children (names with years of birth): Robin 12/3/61 Sean
email address: elaine_platt@reyrey.com <mailto:elaine_platt@reyrey.com>