Pictures from the BHS 40th Reunion, Class of 1961

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About eight Oxonians appeared at this reunion

1. Kent Rasmussen & Mara French (both Oxford)

2. Norman Givant & Kent Rasmussen (BHS & Oxford)

3. Ken Fullmer (Garfield), Penny Brogden, Shireen Mayeri Burns, Mara French (Oxford)

4. Richard Gant (BHS) & Mara French

5. Jeanne Davison Rohrer, Sydney Patterson-Otto (Oxford), Lynn Forney, Kathy Baker-Petersen

6. Sydney Patterson-Otto

7. Gordon Jacoby (Oxford)

8. Ray Wootten (Oxford)

9. Art Simburg & Tom Meyer

10. Tom Meyer

11. Sue Goodwin Chase, Shireen Mayeri Burns (Oxford), Garth Burns, Ruy Pereira

12. Judy Mazia (Oxford)

13. Rooftop shot # 1

14. Rooftop shot # 2